"Behold the Heavens" Astronomy Night

Join us Friday, March 21st, 2025 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm for Cookies and Hot Chocolate. Bring your lawn chairs and relax while your students observe the grandeur of God’s created universe. Star Observations begin at 8:00 pm. We will study God’s creation of the stars, planets and distant galaxies. Dr. Dan Reynolds is our teacher for the evening. Your students will observe celestial bodies such as Pleiades and the Seven Sisters, the Beehive Cluster, the Orion Nebula and the Andromeda Galaxy through a high-powered robotic tracking telescope.


What to Expect

Cookies and hot chocolate will be available from 7 PM to 8 PM. At 8 PM, we will kick off the star observations. Please bring your own lawn chairs and take the opportunity to connect with other homeschool families while enjoying a wonderful time of fellowship together.

What We Will See

Jupiter, Mars, Beehive Cluster, Pleiades or Seven Sisters, Crab Nebula, Orion Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy, Bode’s Galaxy, Globular cluster and so much more!


Meade LX200 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope, 10”. This is a robotic telescope that is computer controlled.


Friday, March 21, 7:00-10 PM. If the sky is cloudy, we will meet on Friday, March 28. 7:00 to 8:00 pm pm Hot Chocolate Social Hour followed by Telescope Observations starting at 8:00 pm.


Game Field Behind Southeastern Free Will Baptist College

532 Eagle Rock Road

Wendell, NC 27951

Directions to Observation Site (see map below):

Go past the entrance to the college and then turn right (just around the bend) onto Shining Light Drive. Go past the school (on right) and continue to the cell tower on the left. We will meet on the filed on the right.

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