Mission & Vision of WordTrax Apologetics:

In 1 Chronicles 12:32, we read of men of the tribe of Issachar “who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” Our vision at WordTrax is for a generation of  young men and women who understand the times, able to defend the great truths of Christianity with confidence, clarity and courage. WordTrax exists to equip parents to raise up the next generation of strong Christian leaders to guide the Church in America.


Invite Ben LaCorte to speak at your conference, or teach a class at your church or school. Describe your objectives as clearly as possible. A follow up meeting will be scheduled.

“Ben, thanks for teaching apologetics. I was glad I could invite my son Daniel to enjoy it with me. I appreciate your view of apologetics as a tool of evangelism. Thanks for caring about the next generation growing up in churches.”


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