Who We Are
Creation Tours is a ministry outreach founded in 2022 by Ben LaCorte. Creation Tours takes full advantage of tax payer funded facilities to bring a Creation Museum to YOU! With world class exhibits designed to demonstrate Evolution and millions of years, through our teacher-led excursions around the museum we take these same exhibits explain them in the light of Biblical truth.
Our objective is to equip young people and to inspire them to a lifetime of scientific curiosity, practiced according to the Word of God to the Glory of God. Each tour is designed for students of all ages (K-12th Grade) and their parents! We want to help build a stronger foundation for the future generations.

Our History
Many years ago, when Ben LaCorte, was in engineering school, he wondered why the professors couldn’t explain the simplest things like gravity. It wasn’t until Ben became a believer and enrolled in Seminary that his love for logic was satisfied.“When I studied Theology, the world finally made total sense.” says Ben.
Upon graduating from Shepherd’s Theological Seminary in Cary, North Carolina in 2015, Ben started WordTrax Apologetics Ministries. In the summer of 2022, Ben and two friends from the Triangle Association for Creation Science, Dan Reynolds, and Dave Greear, started CREATIONTOURS.ORG. These are teacher-led tours through local science museums, to teach Biblical Creation. Their Mission at CREATION TOURS is to use the “World of God to Declare the Word of God, and to equip parents to raise up the next generation of strong Christian Leaders.”
To achieve this goal, Creation Tours seeks to influence young people between 1st and 12th grade. But there are only so many we can reach. Therefore, we enlist the entire family to raise up this generation. Almost every adult believer has the ability to influence the young people within their sphere. We have found that most mature believers are willing and even anxious to persuade their loved ones, but are unable to do so for lack of knowledge. Through CreationTours.Org and other ministries, we show them how.
Goal #1
Teach Gospel believers how to defend their faith in an ever more hostile environment, yet with gentleness and respect. Many college students who grow up in the church are suddenly released into the world. Their compass needles spin and they don’t know how to give a logical accounting for the hope that is in them. They seek after a lifeline. They call for help and are often given little with which to stay the course. R2B is dedicated to educating and encouraging such young adults, their parents, teachers and mentors.
Goal #2
Show non-believers that it’s safe to question what they’ve been programmed to believe all their lives and now take for granted as truth. All mankind has a kernel of truth that has been written on their hearts. Yet they suppress it. A goal of this ministry to help people use their innate ability to reason.
“Mr. LaCorte, God has used you and your ministry to shape me into the man I am today and I look up to you as a mentor, teacher and brother/father in Christ. May God grant you many more years of life and continue to use you in great ways.”

Ben LaCorte
Ben LaCorte started WordTrax while teaching Christian apologetics to youth, college and adults at his Church. With master’s degrees in business and Theology, Ben speaks to Church groups, Seminaries and at local Christian Schools about defending the great truths. He organizes apologetics conferences and debates world religions as a way to demonstrate heart-to-heart engagement with non-believers. Ben’s new monthly video series equips the next generation of strong Christians to lead in today’s culture. Ben is married with three grown children, lives in North Carolina and likes sailing, and playing guitar. His primary passions are:
A) to educate and equip young people to take ownership of their faith, and to be able to defend what they believe with confidence and clarity to their skeptical peers; and
B) to teach mature adult believers how to raise up strong believers and protect them against the powerful cultural undertow which pulls them away from the safety of the Christian worldview.
Founding Director of WordTrax, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization whose mission is to disseminate Christian apologetics information pursuant to a Christian Worldview, to equip the Church to engage the culture, and to teach believers to defend and proclaim the great truths of Christianity.
- Biola University: Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics (Candidate)
- Shepherds Theological Seminary: Master of Arts in Biblical Literature
- Cornell University: Master’s in Business Administration (MBA)
- Clarkson University: Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering
- Married 42 years, three grown children
- Graduate of the Dale Carnegie Presentation Effectiveness Program
- Colson Fellow: The Colson Center for Christian Worldview
- Licensed Private Pilot
- Licensed Professional Engineer (Texas)