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Listen To: Science
Listen To: Theistic Evolution
Theistic Evolution
Listen To: The Elephant Parable
The Elephant Parable is used to illustrate that everyone has some “truths”, but no one has the whole Truth. The narrator tells the story about the blind men who all feel a different part of the Elephant and make their judgment about what an Elephant (Truth) is -...
Listen To: Do You Know A Closet Atheist?
Listen To: Do You Know A Closet Atheist? A closet atheist is stealthy. He won't hit you head-on with his beliefs. She could be your friend, and doesn't want to jeopardize the relationship. But what about you? Are you a closet Christian? Are you more worried about...
Listen To: The Missing Link
"But I do not pretend that I should ever have suspected how poor a record of the mutation of life, the best preserved geological section presented, had not the difficulty of our not discovering innumerable transitional links between the species which appeared at the...
Listen To: Do You Believe In Miracles?
God created the Laws of nature. His Son, Our Lord upholds all things and in Him all things hold together. Nature was created by Him, through Him and for Him. He directs His creation so that we would better understand who He is. “Though you don’t believe in Me”...
Listen To: Plain Talk Apologetics
As Christians we have the tools to demolish strongholds and every lofty opinion raised up against the knowledge of God. Logic and sound reasoning are on our side. After all, God created them. Peter was a fisherman and we don’t have to have a PhD in order to be a...
Listen To: The Problem of Suffering
Skeptics have been telling believers for years that if there's suffering in the world, God can't be both good and all powerful. A good God who was all powerful could, and would eliminate suffering in the world. But what they forget, is that God originally created a...
Listen To: Ignorance Doesn’t Save
Listen To: The Problem of Evil
Problem of Evil Is there a Difference between Good & Evil?
Listen To: The New Testament Canon
NT Canon Typos in the New Testament ???
Listen To: Noah’s Ark
Bathtub Toy or Ocean Liner? Noah’s Ark: “The real Ark was about half as long as the Titanic, its three decks would cover an area the size of two football fields. As much cargo space as four - one hundred car freight trains.” According to Genesis 6:15-16 the Ark was...