Christmas All year Long
Our Family is in Conflict Again: Every year the LaCorte clan wants to take our Christmas tree down in January, and I consider myself only slightly greedy for lobbying to keep it up till at least July. “It’s a fire hazard!” They contend. “It’s artificial!” I counter. I...
Word on the Street: Where Pulpit Meets Pavement
Is the Church on the Run? Hard to imagine. The worst fears of the evangelical community came to fruition in the last election. It seems the world is winning and a godless culture has us on the run. The country voted and the church lost. It seems we can no longer count...
The Very First Easter Morning: An Untold Story
I wasn't afraid to tell the truth. It was the biggest day of my life, the biggest day of anyone’s life when you think of it. In fact, the biggest day in the history of the whole world. And I was there. On that very first Easter morning, I was there. I was the...
Tricia Scribner, Apologist
Wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t…
Original Mormon Demonstration Script with Dialog and all Scriptural References
Click for Live Demo Script & Dialog Hundreds witnessed the live demonstration. Now you can download the original script with embedded PowerPoint Do's & Dont's
Is the Bible at odds with science? According to physicist Dr. Michael Strauss, they are in perfect harmony. Dr. Michael Strauss and I met at a cafe in Raleigh to talk about being a Christian professor in a secular university. He told me how he survives and thrives and...
Heroes of the Cross Radio is Go for Launch!
We're Go for Launch! Beginning in January 2017, the Heroes of the Cross radio program will air on Sunday mornings. Join our launch control team and help get us off the ground. Press LAUNCH Build Your Faith through inspiring stories of our first two thousand years...
Socially Distant. Spiritually Near.
Emoji. Hashtag. Climate change…. Social Distancing. Words and phrases now common, which didn’t exist ten years ago. The last one, social distancing, didn’t exist ten weeks ago! More than avoiding large crowds and working from home, keeping our distance means...
Over Your Head?
Ever feel in over your head? At his farm a long time ago, my cousin asked me if I would like to ride one of his horses. Sensing the adventure, I said “Sure.” Then he looked me in the eye as if it was important, and asked, “Do you know how to ride a horse?” I had no...
The Apologist’s Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the Church. I will defend her against enemies within and without, whether alone or with others. I will proclaim her great truths with courage and conviction. I will engage the culture with confidence, and I will gently and respectfully share my...
Jenny Geddes – Hero of Religious Freedom in Scotland
Insanity of God – The Movie (Part 1 of a review by Ben LaCorte)
Ben LaCorte is the President and Founder of Heroes of the Cross. My wife and I moved date-night up a few days this week. We went to see The Insanity of God limited release movie last evening. I posted earlier that the first time I tried to get in to see this movie it...