Which Came First: The Charicken or the Egg?

By Ben LaCorte, Creation Tours


There’s a mystery that has confounded philosophers for ages. Even today it ties evolutionists into knots.


For example, some skeptics argue that since chickens evolved from dinosaurs or some other non-chicken like animal, and since that animal came from an egg, it must be the egg that came first. But all this does is to kick the chicken, and the egg down the road, because the next question is? Where did the non-chicken animal egg come from?


Confused? It doesn’t get any better. Another popular contortion used by skeptics is that neither came first. The chicken and the egg both evolved together over millions of years. But that doesn’t make sense. Since one definitely comes from the other, how could they both come at the same time?


As Christians, we suffer from no such confusion. The bible answers the question clearly and simply. In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth. He created every winged bird after its own kind, He created them male and female, or should we say hen and rooster. He created them to be fruitful, and boy, were they fruitful. It wasn’t long before the first chicken laid her first egg. End of mystery.


So stop walking on egg shells. Engage your skeptical friend. Ask them this question:  “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” And then answer it with reason and with love. They’ll appreciate you unscrambling their beliefs.


I’m Ben LaCorte. For more plain talk apologetics, visit wordtrax.com.

And if you want to see a really good 4 minute video by Bread of Life explaining this issue from a Biblical perspective, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knzTWhUH0xM.