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Over Your Head?
Ever feel in over your head? At his farm a long time ago, my cousin asked me if I would like to ride one of his horses. Sensing the adventure, I said “Sure.” Then he looked me in the eye as if it was important, and asked, “Do you know how to ride a horse?” I had no...
Insanity of God – The Movie (Part 1 of a review by Ben LaCorte)
Ben LaCorte is the President and Founder of Heroes of the Cross. My wife and I moved date-night up a few days this week. We went to see The Insanity of God limited release movie last evening. I posted earlier that the first time I tried to get in to see this movie it...
Five Reasons Students Must Be Trained in Apologetics by Sean McDowell
For the past two decades, I have been speaking, teaching, and writing to students about the importance of defending their beliefs. While students certainly respond differently to apologetics, I have personally seen many students transformed by knowing why they believe as they do. Nevertheless, some people still ask, “Why bother?”
Wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t…
The Apologist’s Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the Church. I will defend her against enemies within and without, whether alone or with others. I will proclaim her great truths with courage and conviction. I will engage the culture with confidence, and I will gently and respectfully share my...
“Always Being Ready” A Story in Memory of Sept. 11th, 2001.
“Always Being Ready” A Story in Memory of 9/11. By Ben LaCorte, President and Founder of Heroes of the Cross. Riding my bike the other day, I went by a Firehouse. When you move through the world at only 9 to 11 miles an hour you notice a lot. In just a few seconds...
Heroes of the Cross is now partnered with TWR to b…
Heroes of the Cross is now partnered with TWR to bring encouraging real life stories to soldier-saints around the world. Watch this gripping video of the tremendous impact TWR is having through its radio broadcasts and internet platform....
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Jenny Geddes – Hero of Religious Freedom in Scotland
Echo Chamber at NC State
Echo Chamber: A true story by Ben LaCorte, President & founder of Heroes of the Cross Last night at NC State, walking through the newly revised Talley Student Union, I was prepping for an exciting evening. The union was abuzz with activity: students...
Why We Started Heroes of the Cross
Heroes of the Cross was spawned out of a call and a passion. The passion was to deliver truth and encouragement to lonely and intimidated soldier-saints around the globe. I am convinced that the Church’s best days are before her, that suffering and persecution have...
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