Socially Distant. Spiritually Near.

  Emoji. Hashtag. Climate change…. Social Distancing. Words and phrases now common, which didn’t exist ten years ago. The last one, social distancing, didn’t exist ten weeks ago!  More than avoiding large crowds and working from home, keeping our distance means...

Over Your Head?

Ever feel in over your head? At his farm a long time ago, my cousin asked me if I would like to ride one of his horses. Sensing the adventure, I said “Sure.” Then he looked me in the eye as if it was important, and asked, “Do you know how to ride a horse?” I had no...

The Apologist’s Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the Church. I will defend her against enemies within and without, whether alone or with others. I will proclaim her great truths with courage and conviction. I will engage the culture with confidence, and I will gently and respectfully share my...